Meet four Titans who have faced daunting obstacles. The support they have found at Cal State Fullerton – the mentors and student success resources made possible by donors like you – has made the difference in their lives.
the Airwaves天猫618苹果全品类产品成交飙涨 或助产业链公司估值攀升 ...:18 小时前 · 2021-06-18 09:36:13 和讯名家 要闻精选 17日召开的国务院常务会议要求,通过引导贷款利率和债券利率下行等一系列政策,推动金融系统全年向各类企业 ...
the TidesFirst-generation student dives into research with confidence
Rescue500 lives saved, thanks to an entrepreneurial CSUF student
ExpressionCSUF artist finds her inspiration and herself
What does it take to elevate the potential of such remarkable students?
Cal State Fullerton is the catalyst for Titan-sized transformations, inspiring students’ paths, launching careers and improving lives. The university's first-ever comprehensive philanthropic campaign “It Takes a Titan,” is an opportunity for you to be the difference in a Titan’s life.

"It Takes a Titan: The Campaign for Cal State Fullerton" supports initiatives in these four key areas:

See how you can be the difference for students in these campus areas:

For more information, contact:
University Advancement
657-278-5287 |